On the 30th of October, my nana passed away.
Layla is just a rough character I designed for the sake of using a pencil. Named Layla after my favourite cat at the cattery I volunteer at whenever I'm not at work.
Brief character history; Layla - obviously - is part cat, part human. Her parents were both human, her mother working as a vet. While pregnant, she was bitten by a cat infected with cat flu, which mutated the embryo. Scientifically impossible, but so is 98% of what we read and what we watch.
Contrary to stand mutants, didn't throw her out or lock her away. They loved her dearly, though didn't make her suffer the torments of public school and the outside world. Layla's mother homeschooled her daughter while working at the vet surgery, where Layla was soon able to work as her assistant. Also contrary to popular belief, she cannot understand cat language, and doesn't have any special powers over them.
Layla's father worked at sea, and during Layla's late teens his boat was taken by a major pirate gang. Desperate to find him, Layla joined the rival pirate gang, affectionately becoming known as "The Ship's Cat." Once again, popular belief is smashed into the ground as Layla isn't outcasted and given a wide berth by her ship mates. She is popular with all the sailors and crew, hard working and strong in the day and able to drink most of the cabin crew under the table by night.